Across the Aisle
How Foreward got into the top 15% of podcasts in one week
A Letter to My Hometown
I apologize in advance. This podcast is going to hurt.
Long Lost Cousins with Horror Stories
As I've started working with actors I've realized that many tragedies that I take personally are not unique to me.
Airing their dirty laundry…
I’m about to air a lot of people’s dirty laundry.
Casting the Bad Guys
“I want my performance to honor the real victims of the tragedy this story is based on. I also want to honor the family of the perpetrator.”
Are you in Foreward?
The violence caused such silence.
What does Foreward mean?
I’ve wanted to create a fictional story based loosely on my own experiences for a long time.
My School Shooting
I was also 15 when it happened to me.
Reading His Suicide Note
Keith was a man with mental illness and access to a gun. A deadly combination.