Taylor Fraser, the creator of Foreward, began her career at The Oceanic Preservation Society, where her team produced Oscar and Emmy nominated Racing Extinction (broadcasted internationally to 220 countries and territories). She joined forces with the documentary’s audio engineer and began down a new path at Curve Blue Record Label where she had opportunities to work alongside world renowned musicians, filmmakers, artists, authors & poets.
Taylor thrives on making the impossible a reality - which has landed her some wild adventures. A chapter of her career took her to rural Montana, at an unusual art center called Tippet Rise. After that, Taylor moved to Hollywood and began working at one of the most competitive movie trailer houses in Los Angeles.
Her work has appeared on outlets worldwide, including The National Geographic, NBC, Pac-12 Networks, the Discovery Channel, The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Time Magazine, Forbes, The Rolling Stone, and many prestigious film festivals around the world.
Taylor's projects have resulted in nominations and wins for 5 Oscars, 9 Emmys, and 5 Golden Globes.